Piyush's Logo Piyush Harsh

Hey there! I'm Piyush Harsh,

Pursuing Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from BIT Sindri, Dhanbad. Skilled in electrical engineering, problem-solving, graphic designing, and machine learning. A highly organized, enthusiastic, and hard-working individual looking forward to an internship to groom my skills gain practical experience and exposure.

Piyush Harsh


Projects and Work


• Participated in TOYCATHON 2021, organized by MHRD, Govt. Of India.
• ChannaGuru, inspired by Karnataka’s famous Channapatna toys, is a uniquely designed Indian toy, which teaches the child about Indian culture, and science & technology. It asks questions and waits for the child to answer.

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Tutor AI

• Participating in Toy Tales 2021, organized by DIC, IIM Kashipur, and supported by the Ministry of Education (MoE).
• Tutor AI is a unique learning web application for kids which not only inculcates the learning spirit in children but also enhances their analyzing and thinking skills along with play.
* Currently Working on the project.

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Sentiment Analysis

• Sentiment Analysis of Twitter, Hotel Reviews, Newspaper Articles using Python and Machine Learning.
* Currently Working on the project.

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Model Club, BIT Sindri
Dates Employed: Sep 2019 – Present
Employment Duration: 2 years 2 months

Model Club is the official Techno-Management Club of BIT Sindri. It is an attempt to manifest the technical mindset, personality development, and success stories of this Premier Technical Institution of Jharkhand. This club is the only technical club established by the BIT administration in the early '60s for conducting technical activities for the young technocrats of our college. Round the year Model Club organizes Hackathons, Workshops, Seminars, Guest-Lectures, Invited Talks, and alike events including a Mega Tech-Fest named "Sandhaan".


Graphic Design Intern

yourFirstAd (Internship)
Dates Employed: May 2021 – Aug 2021
Employment Duration: 4 months

yourFirstAd is a coliseum that connects social media with brands. The most worthwhile way to trade a product for a brand and earn money for a creator is the easiest way.
- Graphic Design
- Creative Design
- Brochure Design


Organising & Management Team

Organised and managed national and intercollege events
- Case-O-Heist (2021)
- De' Vision(2020)
- National Hardware Hackathon (2020)
- Nav Ujjwal e-Innovation Hackathon (2020)
- and others.


Student Mentor (GFX)

Model Menternship Programme (Part-time)
Dates Employed: Mar 2021 – Apr 2021
Employment Duration: 2 months

The Model Menternship Programme is of its kind forum that brought a range of opportunities for the batch of 2k20. Menternship, as it signifies, encompasses the aspects of Mentoring as well as Internship. The programme was organized by Model Club, BIT Sindri to guide the fresh batch for various skill development.